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automotive promotional printing

Buy Back and Off Lease

Buy Back | Automotive Direct Mail Leads

Premium Productions, Inc. serves the greater New York area for automotive direct mail services. We offer a wide range of services, including direct mail using your email lists or ours, design services, call tracking, email marketing, promotional print services, personalized gifts, and other print and promotional services.

Automotive direct mail leads

One of the strengths of the Premium Productions system is our design service. Our expert graphic artists and copywriters can develop mailing circulars for targeting your customers. As an example, we have a large selection of buy back or off-lease programs. Are you looking for specific models to add to your inventory? Let us design a mailing that offers a promotion for your customers, perhaps a retail price discount or other rebate.

Need to get some low-mileage leases back for resale? We can help you design a circular that targets your low-mileage lease customers. Your customers may be happily paying their leases, without thinking about an upgrade or a new model year vehicle. Why not target them with a mailing describing the deals you can provide them?

It’s important for dealers to remain connected to their customer base. Even though a customer may not be in the market for a replacement vehicle, hearing from you might tip them in your favor when it comes time for a new car. Perhaps a customer didn’t think about taking their current lease and converting to a higher model for very little difference in monthly payment. Certainly you have the option to take your salespeople and tie them to a phone, calling customers one after another. Is this the best use of their time? Probably not, when you have Premium Productions doing the legwork for you.

If designing a buyback or off-lease mailing is something that interests you, contact our Sales Department at, come see us at 6 Lincoln Ave. in Pleasantville NY, or call our automotive direct mail toll-free at 800-297-1990. We serve automotive markets in Ohio, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and greater New York. Let Premium Productions services be your top salesperson with our targeted mailing programs.

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