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Marketing Matters; Find Out Why.

Automotive Direct Marketing Campaigns | Car Dealer Advertising Agency

If you were to look at statistics, you would see the importance businesses place on marketing. Businesses are ever looking to find new opportunities via marketing. Businesses with consistent sales spend a significant part of their revenue on marketing. This proves that marketing is very important for business. Also, to be a sustained over the long term, a business needs to maintain ongoing marketing efforts. As long as your business is operational, marketing efforts are needed. You cannot afford to sit back and relax after the success of your first marketing campaign. Since you constantly need to expand to New Markets, and you to keep your brand fresh in the minds of existing customers you need to keep up your marketing efforts. This is precisely why businesses need to keep marketing themselves.

Spring into Updating Your Automated Emails!

Automotive Full Service Advertising Agency | Car Dealer Email Marketing

As spring approaches, it may be time to spring into updating your automated emails. What do your automated emails for your car dealership sound like? Many are impersonal and focus only on the dealership, rather than the customer and their needs. Nobody wants to read an email like that, so if that sounds like your automated emails, you may want to consider some spring cleaning.

The Most Effective Automotive Direct Mail Pieces

Car Dealer Direct Mail | Automotive Full Service Advertising Agency

When it comes to direct mail, you want to be sure your automotive direct mail is as effective as possible. Investing in an aggressive campaign can improve your relationship with your clients, and even beat out the competition from other automotive dealerships in your area. The following list, with information provided by, contains the five most effective auto dealer direct mail pieces. Check them out:

Three Sins of Email Marketing

Car Dealer Email Advertising | Automotive Marketing Services Analysis

Ever since people started offering goods and services to other people, a need for follow-up marketing has existed. Throughout most of history, this involved face-to-face interaction as a merchant’s brand was his own personality. Thankfully, this is the 21st century, and we no longer need to meet every one of our clients in person. Internet-based shopping, social media applications, and email marketing have made follow-up and branding a streamlined process.

Reliance on email, however, can lead you to lose sight of your goals when making contact with clients. This lack of focus can cause you to send off-message marketing that’s ineffective or confusing. In a worst-case scenario, a poorly-worded email could turn clients away and tarnish your brand. Nonetheless, email marketing is a powerful and reliable tool if used correctly, so let’s look at a few of the pitfalls to avoid.

Produce Direct Mail Copy That Sells!

Car Dealer Direct Mail | Automotive Promotional Printing

Direct mail needs to get the attention of a reader. There is a lot of direct mail thrown in the trash or recycle bin because the content didn’t connect with or clearly state the benefits to the reader. Here are five tips to creating direct mail content that will sell your products or services.

Why You Should Add Call Tracking to Your Services

Automotive Call Tracking | Car Dealer Advertising Agency

Call tracking is a way to track incoming customer calls the same way you check your website for activity and leads. Without it, you won’t know that customers may have been trying to reach you by phone and weren’t able to get through to someone in your organization. With mobile phones, more customers are calling for marketing information and services when they see your ads on their phones, and you don’t want to miss those opportunities.

4 Direct Mail Tips to Get Higher ROI

Direct Mail Tips | Automotive Print Marketing

Despite what you might think, good old-fashioned paper mail has not gone the way of the dinosaur. Quite the opposite, in fact: direct mail advertising can be a very effective tool to boost your dealership’s sales. However, for most businesses, it’s probably not all that practical to be using huge mailing lists and sending out endless mailings. With printing, postage, and other mailing costs as high as they are, it’s important to be strategic in your direct mail marketing efforts. To help you maximize your ROI (return on investment), we’ve got four helpful direct mail marketing tips.

How Do Mailing Lists Work?

National Auto Dealership Mailing Lists | Automotive Direct Mail Agency

Every car dealership understands that mailing lists play an integral role in any successful direct mail marketing campaign. In fact, using the right list can effectively make or break your campaign. Direct mail experts report that the single most important element in determining the success of a mailing is the list that is utilized. It’s called “The 40-40-20 Rule”: 40 percent of marketing success comes from the mailing list, 40 percent from the strength of your offer, and 20 percent comes from your creative design. So, with so much at stake, how do you decide which type of mailing list is right for your dealership? Here’s a look at the different types of mailing lists out there and how they work.

Direct Mail: Short is Sweet

Car Dealer Direct Mail | Automotive Full Service Advertising Agency

The word’s out: direct mail marketing is one of the most effective ways to find and retain customers. Direct mail provides businesses a golden opportunity to advertise their company’s name and promote products, services, and coupons. Compared with internet marketing, direct mail offers a more personalized and tangible form of interacting with the consumer. But while research shows that long copy is highly effective on the internet, it has quite the opposite effect when found inside a mailbox. Your mailer has a brief window of opportunity in which to really make a statement. That’s why, when it comes to direct mail, short certainly is sweet. We’ve got a few tips to help you deliver direct mail with short, effective copy.

Print Media Still Works!

Print Media Still Works | Automotive Full Service Advertising Agency

Despite what many millennials and tech gurus would have you believe, print is not dead. Sure, plenty of those folks assume it to have gone the way of chivalry – but the fact remains that print advertising continues to prove itself year after year. Printed media has unique characteristics and a strong style that web advertisements simply cannot rival. Of course online advertising plays an essential part in any ad campaign, but statistics show a 25 percent higher response rate to campaigns which incorporate both print and web. In a world of internet instant gratification, take a closer look at why print media still works.