Traditional vs. Digital Marketing: Strike the Right Balance
New York Car Dealer Advertising Agency | Automotive Direct Mail Campaigns
Digital marketing is a new concept to many dealerships who are comfortable with TV, radio, and print advertising. The use of digital marketing outlets has exploded in the last decade and for good reasons. Let’s review how both types of marketing can be useful to your operation.
Know your customer base
To compete successfully you need to understand how you best reach your local customer base. Older customers may still look at the newspaper for dealer specials before venturing out, but younger buyers will be doing their legwork digitally through your website and social media postings. Don’t get too caught up in stereotypes as there are many tech-savvy older buyers who use computers and the Internet, but a general balance of traditional advertising and digital channels will help you reach more customers.
Digital marketing can help you focus your ads
A customer looking for a hybrid will ignore ads for vans and pickup trucks. Digital marketing allows you to focus advertising specifically to the needs of each potential customer. Don’t send pages of ads when a customer has expressed interest in a specific model or trim. As important as getting a complete description of the vehicle when a customer clicks on it. Some generic message about contacting the dealer for information won’t sell cars. Make sure the vehicle’s description page is specifically about the features and benefits of that vehicle. You will sell more cars that way.
Use video to support the message
TV advertising can be expensive, particularly during prime time or an election cycle. Many dealers are moving to online video, useful to the dealer for reducing costs and helpful to the customer by providing information on a vehicle which they can’t get in print advertising. There are two ways to use online videos — first, dealers can place videos on their own websites and social media pages, or they can pay to place their ads before or after other online videos that you will find on sites such as YouTube. Some ad placements only cost you money if a viewer looks at your ad, a technique called pay-per-click. Don’t totally throw out the idea of TV ads, but start using online videos to reach customers not watching TV.
If digital advertising seems like a technique too complicated for you, or you want to use a professional organization to manage it, contact Premium Productions today. We have staff who focus on online digital advertising and can put together a cost-effective digital message for your dealership. Don’t wait — you can be losing customers every day who don’t see your message!
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