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Print Advertising Vs. Digital Marketing

Print vs. Digital : Car Dealer Advertising Agency

Businesses looking to expand their market reach have a variety of marketing tools available, including digital or print advertising. These two advertising techniques have somewhat different customer bases, and will reach prospects differently. Let’s look at the similarities and differences between digital and car dealer print marketing.

car dealer full service advertising agencyDigital marketing or advertising is generally considered to have a broader reach. It may not reach as many local customers as traditional print ads, so this may be a consideration if you feel your business depends more on the local market. There are a couple of advantages to digital advertising. One is that digital ads can be tuned more for budget constraints, so if your advertising budget has some limits, you may wish to consider going digital. Another advantage, and this can be a big one, is that digital ads are interactive. When a customer is looking at your digital ad on their web browser or smartphone, they can click on links to your business website, or download a coupon directly to their phone which can be used at your store. There are more ways that digital advertising can be interactive, but these examples should give you ideas about how to make the most of your digital content.

Print advertising is considered a more traditional approach to marketing your business. There are advantages over digital advertising. Unlike digital content, you don’t need permission from the customer to place an ad in their mailbox. They may or may not read it, but you can mail it to them without restrictions. Another advantage of car dealer print marketing is that marketing companies can target specific neighborhoods or geographic areas to market your services. If you are a retail or service company that depends on local traffic, this may be more important for you. If you have services for older persons or those with less income, print ads may favor your business. These persons may not have a computer or phone that allow them to read digital ads, but they likely get a newspaper and receive mail. The disadvantage of print advertising is it can have higher fixed costs than digital ads; you have to pay for setup, printing a number of ads, and mailing costs.

If this all sounds confusing, a good direct mail and marketing company like Premium 123 can help you sort it out. Come in and discuss your advertising needs with us, and you can be assured we will work out the best marketing techniques to meet your business needs and your budget. Our car dealer full service advertising agency should be your first stop when you think digital or print advertising.

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