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10 Tips to Make Your Sales Emails More Effective

Effective Sales Emails

Sending out emails to prospects is a valuable sales strategy. But it has to be done right to opens doors to opportunities unheard. Premium Productions advises you ten ways to make your sales emails fetch you the riches.

Sound Believable

A lot of sales emails falsely claim to understand the prospects. They don’t look real and wall off the customers. Try to make your shoppers feel at home reading your emails. Tell them that you are trying to check if they find your product interesting and whether it resonates with them.

Be Clear

Be clear about the purpose of each line of your email. Try reading through the lines diligently. At the end of each sentence ask yourself, what point you are putting across in it. If there’s no strong reason for a line to be there, or it’s for laughs alone, delete it.

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Add Humor

No, we are not contradicting here. Humor is an excellent way of building a relationship. Start out by showing your buyers that you are a trusted professional who is there to support their business needs. Then try to ease them down with some elements of fun.

Short and Sweet

Write in small sentences. Break big chunks of text by having a tiny sentence follow a longer one. This structuring will help people glide through your email with ease.

Avoid Jargons and Generalities

Jargons make your prospects go awry. They can be difficult to comprehend. Buyers today skim through heaps of sales emails on a regular basis, they are more informed. Generalities like “the best product”, “the number one” don’t cut it. Here, being more creative will help.

Admit That You’re Strangers.

Don’t be afraid to tell that you are not a close acquaintance of the new shopper. Avoid making any tall claims that will sound ‘shady’ and destroy the buyer’s trust.

Get Peer Feedback on your Emails.

Send your email drafts to your peers and ask for opinions. They will tell you what sounds wrong, and what looks unnatural and creepy. An additional perspective will help you improvise better.


We often come across sales email replete of typos. You don’t want to be the one sending out such emails. Take out a few minutes to look at your emails again. Also, try reading out aloud. Have others correct the grammatical errors, when you are not sure.

Your Signature

Help your audience identify you, what you do and how you do it. Don’t leave with a blank signature space. Be sure to include your name, title, and company. But don’t overdo things.


A single email will not be able to attract all your customer. What might work for one will not be of interest to another! Send out relevant emails by understanding the segment of your prospects.

Work on your writing skill. Test, assess and iterate to reap in conversions. When you’re ready to start getting real results, give Premium Productions a call. We will be happy to assist you with your next email campaign!

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