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Direct Mail Marketing for Generations X, Y, and Z

When you think of direct mail, you probably think of an older demographic. However, direct mail campaigns work on people of all ages, not just older people. Continue reading to learn about direct mail marketing for generations X, Y, and Z.

Generation X were born between 1965 and 1980. This generation owns about 31% of income in the United States. They are also the demographic most likely to have both aging parents and high school or college-age kids. They also have an even balance of digital and non-digital communications, making them a well-rounded generation. To reach Generation X, emphasize their security in your ads. Explaining how a purchase can allow them to remain financially stable can attract their attention.

Generation Y are also known as Millennials. They’re born between 1981 and 1999 and they are raised mostly by boomers. Millennials are tech-savvy, but they also love getting letters in the mail. A Millennial is about 57% likely to respond to a call to action in their direct mail. To target Millennials in your direct mail, tie in your digital advertising presence. Provide social media and website information in your ads to help Millennials engage with your company on a digital level.

Generation Z were born between 1997 and 2010. Generation Z is raised mostly by Generation X and they are self-reliant. They’re hyper-connected to the digital world, which gives them a shorter attention span than other generations. When you’re targeting Generation Z in your ads, respect their values, make your campaign short and to-the-point, and be as personal as possible. Generation Z is more likely to respond to a campaign if it’s customized.

Direct mail isn’t just for boomers, so expand your demographic and connect with younger generations through your campaigns. For help designing campaigns designed for all ages, work with Premium Productions. You can call us at 800-297-1990 today or fill out the form below!

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