So, you’re probably already aware that not every font option from your word processing software works well in professional publications or print mail marketing. Wingdings just don’t cut when you want to entice a client or customer to buy into your product or business. There are a lot of font types from which to choose, but what are the best fonts for printing?
Premium Productions is your authoritative source for direct marketing, and we want to make you aware of an important development that could impact how you market, send, and receive things moving forward. It’s related to the post office too.
In today’s world, the landscape has greatly changed when it comes to how businesses want to market themselves, but also how they NEED to. Gone are the days where a billboard overlooking a busy freeway or a commercial on TV were prime real estate to get your product or services in front of leads. Today, there aren’t only the traditional avenues of marketing, there are now digital as well. And it’s important to know the differences.
Looking for ways to boost your follower base and promote your service or product? It sounds like it’s time for you to invest in promotional products in your advertising. Here at Premium Productions, we excel in promotions. We’ve spent the last 22 years mastering our skills with direct marketing and printing to help marketers and their agencies. We specialize in direct mail promotions, digital channels marketing strategies, and creative services, all of which will boost your client base and sales.
Want to help your business grow? Try print marketing. Despite living in the digital era, print marketing is just as effective as ever. Keep reading to learn how print marketing could benefit your business.
Although society is highly digital with seemingly everything, there’s something refreshingly old-fashioned and special about opening the mailbox and pulling out correspondence. Promoting your business via means of printing and mailing services is a smart and constructive way to get noticed and stand out over competitors. Premium Productions offers five reasons why this method is advantageous over other forms of advertising.
When it comes to printing campaigns for your dealership, you don’t want to settle for less. High-quality, professionally printed campaigns can make all the difference when advertising to clients new and returning. Premium Productions is here for your wholesale printing needs.
The coronavirus COVID-19 has completely rewritten the rule books for business this year, but there are ways to market your business using strategies from Premium Productions. Here are some ways to continue marketing your business to your customers.
In this age of ultra-competitive markets and the emerging global economy, more and more businesses and individuals are frantically searching for ways to set themselves apart from their rivals. For most of these people, that entails a heavy dose of online and digital media geared towards prospective customers or clients.