If you were in the marketing field in the early 1980s, it’s possible you based much of your strategy on Jay Conrad Levinson’s 1984 book, Guerilla Marketing. While it’s almost 2022 and much of the world has changed since then, the fundamental concepts of marketing are still in practice. No matter what products and services you’re trying to sell, you need to promote them properly and reach the right demographic to maximize profits. With social media becoming the juggernaut that it has, digital marketing is becoming one of the best ways to reach the public. Traditional marketing with its tried-and-true concepts exists in the digital age, so which one is better? We’re about to find out.
Email marketing isn’t just for big businesses and corporations anymore. Small businesses have discovered it to be one of the most effective ways to reach their consumer base.
In today’s world, the landscape has greatly changed when it comes to how businesses want to market themselves, but also how they NEED to. Gone are the days where a billboard overlooking a busy freeway or a commercial on TV were prime real estate to get your product or services in front of leads. Today, there aren’t only the traditional avenues of marketing, there are now digital as well. And it’s important to know the differences.
Email blasts are programs that send your message digitally to a selected audience. They can be both useful and profitable if they are designed correctly. But there are a lot of pitfalls and you should take advantage of the professional services of Premium Productions to ensure your email programs work.
Millennials, who were born between 1981 and 1996, represent a huge chunk of the buying population, as they are the largest generation after the postwar Baby Boomer generation that was born in the 1940s and 1950s. Millennials have a lot of discretionary income to spend, they just need help figuring out where to spend it. Here are four ways you can make sure your marketing efforts are going to reach Millennials.
Can direct mail get you more web traffic? The answer, in summary, is yes. But it is a process in itself. Our Premium Productions team looks at the how-to for getting more web traffic with direct mail.
During this unique time, email marketing is more effective than ever. If you are looking for ways to reach a wider audience during COVID-19, consider the benefits of email marketing. To learn more about how you can increase your leads with email marketing during COVID-19, keep reading.
Millennials make up a significant amount of buyers in today’s market. Millennials are people ranging from ages 23 to 38 and they are now estimated to be the nation’s largest living generation. Not only do they make up most of the current workforce, but they also hold a lot of spending power. It is estimated millennials will spend $1.4 billion annually and represent 30 percent of total retail sales. If you want to learn four ways to tailor your marketing efforts to millennials, keep reading.
The coronavirus COVID-19 has completely rewritten the rule books for business this year, but there are ways to market your business using strategies from Premium Productions. Here are some ways to continue marketing your business to your customers.
Premium Productions is now offering digital marketing services in partnership with DigiSphere Marketing. We now can proudly offer you a full range of digital services including: