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Conquest automotive email marketing campaigns can be very effective in bringing customers to your website and ultimately to your dealership. Premium Productions takes email marketing a big step beyond our competitors and so can you — here’s how:
You may be under the impression that direct mail is a thing of the past. However, this isn’t the case. Even during this digital era, direct mail is still as effective as ever. Even in a digital age, direct mail is still invaluable! Read on to learn more.
Some people don’t believe direct mail is still an effective way to reach new audiences. Even though people believe this, it simply isn’t true. Even during the digital age, direct mail is as effective as ever. Direct mail can help with your inbound marketing strategy.
Millennials make up a significant amount of buyers in today’s market. Millennials are people ranging from ages 23 to 38 and they are now estimated to be the nation’s largest living generation. Not only do they make up most of the current workforce, but they also hold a lot of spending power. It is estimated millennials will spend $1.4 billion annually and represent 30 percent of total retail sales. If you want to learn four ways to tailor your marketing efforts to millennials, keep reading.
The digital era has created a new way to market your business. Just because digital marketing can help your business grow doesn’t mean direct mail is no longer effective. For the most successful advertising campaign possible, consider integrating social media with direct mail.
When it comes to printing campaigns for your dealership, you don’t want to settle for less. High-quality, professionally printed campaigns can make all the difference when advertising to clients new and returning. Premium Productions is here for your wholesale printing needs.
Direct mail campaigns are as effective as ever. However, it is possible a direct mail campaign can be viewed as junk mail by a recipient. There are ways to avoid this. To learn how your direct mailers can avoid being seen as junk mail, keep reading.
Keeping in touch with your customers is important. One of the best ways to keep in touch with your customers is through email. Email marketing can be successful if you take the right steps. Read on for dealership email marketing tips.
The coronavirus COVID-19 has completely rewritten the rule books for business this year, but there are ways to market your business using strategies from Premium Productions. Here are some ways to continue marketing your business to your customers.
Today’s marketing programs have progressed far beyond sending a standard email blast to all your wholesale customers. You have to create engaging content that is customized for the customer or they will go elsewhere for business. Email is not dead and an old-school way to communicate with customers. You can make email a valuable part of your marketing program if you send some or all of these five emails to your wholesale customers.