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Tailor Your Marketing Efforts to Millennials in 4 Ways

Millennials make up a significant amount of buyers in today’s market. Millennials are people ranging from ages 23 to 38 and they are now estimated to be the nation’s largest living generation. Not only do they make up most of the current workforce, but they also hold a lot of spending power. It is estimated millennials will spend $1.4 billion annually and represent 30 percent of total retail sales. If you want to learn four ways to tailor your marketing efforts to millennials, keep reading.

Five Emails You Should be Sending to Wholesale Customers

Today’s marketing programs have progressed far beyond sending a standard email blast to all your wholesale customers. You have to create engaging content that is customized for the customer or they will go elsewhere for business. Email is not dead and an old-school way to communicate with customers. You can make email a valuable part of your marketing program if you send some or all of these five emails to your wholesale customers.